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Blend of nationalities

People from all over the World visit the Deutsches Museum. This blend of nationalities makes those of us museum employees who are staying at home want to travel abroad, and it also makes us curious to find out more about our international visitors. Annalisa Arcella Those living in Munich spend their vacations at Lake Garda, in the Alps, on a cultural tour through Asia or at the beach. In turn, people from all over the World travel to Munich. Many of them visit the Deutsches Museum. In our exhibitions, a tour group from Yokohama might meet a family from Brindisi, while a group of students from Oslo might stand next to a company delegation from Moscow while the two groups are watching the popular high-voltage demonstration with Faraday's cage. This wonderful blend of nationalities makes those of us museum employees who are staying at home want to travel abroad, and it also makes us curious to find out more about our international visitors. At our offices, we also have colleagues from foreign countries. Annalisa from Italy is currently working at the communication department. She has agreed to interview our visitors from abroad during their visit to the museum this summer. ###MORE### Just walking in the street Nancy and Mariam from Senegal in the Historic Aircraft section.   Is it your first visit at the Deutsches Museum? Yes, it is.   How did you learn about it? We are visiting Munich for a few days. Walking in the street we saw a poster advertising the Deutsches Museum. We thought it would be interesting to visit.   What impressed during our tour at the Deutsches Museum? It is not like a usual Science Museums. We were impressed by the history of the technology, especially by ships and aircrafts.   Is there any object that you would like to take home from the Museum? „At the Anthropocene exhibition, the pictures of the earth impressed me“, Nancy says, „they were very detailed. Never seen something like this before. I would like to have one of them at home!“ A hand-made coral for my girlfriend AB and his girlfriend from India in the Anthropocene exhibition in front of the Crochet Coral Reef.   How did you learn about the Deutsches Museum? I am in Munich for tourism with my girlfriend. A friend of mine recommended me to visit the Deutsches Museum.   What exhibition did you enjoy and what impress you? I enjoyed the Mining section and the special exhibition „ Anthropocene “. The hand-made Crochet Coral Reef impressed me, it is so colourful!   Is there any object that you would like to take home from the Museum? Definitely the Crochet Coral Reef. Can I take an aircraft, bitte? Miwako from Japan in the Anthropocene exhibition. Is it your first visit? Yes, it is my first time in Munich   How did you learn about the Deutsches Museum? I am in Munich for tourism. I did some research in the internet to find out about the attractions of the city. And so I learned about the Deutsches Museum.   What exhibitions did you visit? I visited several sections, Mining, Power Engines and the special exhibition „Anthropocene“. The Aircrafts section was the one that most impressed me.   Would you like to come back? Yes, of course! One day is not enough.   Is there any object that you would like to take home? Yes, I would like to take an aircraft. Annalisa Arcella , Italian, is volunteering as English-speaking blogger. After her master degree in Physics at University of Napoli, she moved to Barcelona to complete a PhD in Biophysics and joined the MIT in Boston as visiting post-doc. Since college she is passionate for science communication especially in Science Museums and events. Annalisa recommends to visit the Nanotechnology exhibition: the Nanocosm is a world made by special element small like a grain of sand that have the immense potential to create smart objects chiselled like a sculpture, as microchips or to discover the bricks of the Human Genome.

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